Monday, July 12, 2010

The First Day of Job @ Mumbai!!

0600 hours: The beginning of the day

The day began with a lot of assumptions and expectations. Assumptions about the journey in local, about time required; expectations about role allotment, accommodation availability, blah blah blah…the list seems endless…The departure from house accompanied by paying 10 bucks for 100 meters!!..then as expected..a big queue for ticket…Although the thought that this standing in line is not going to be permanent was quite a relief. But then I got my first surprise for the day: I was easily able to get in the train and there were even vacant seats for quite a lot of time!! Next surprise was almost instantaneous…the ease of getting a bus from VT to WTC..the BOD for us was although not much eventful…introduction…understanding some policies…introduction…then the most important task…getting snacks and lunch coupons…and offcourse eating… :D :D

Saturday, February 20, 2010

what?? why??? blah blah blah.....

Its been a few years since i came to know about blogging. When i first heard about it...about how people "do blogging" i felt "sounds interesting... i should try it" and since then began my journey of thinking ki blog mein likhte kya hain...????

Since then i have read many blogs...all seem quite different...but still am unable to understand that how can someone choose a particular topic and then write a couple of paragraphs...or even pages about that thing. Though i can proudly say that i am not at the same place i was 4 years back wrt blogging...i have discovered entirely new category of questions which can be titled by one word...WHY???? why is it that people go for blogging?